July 6, 1995
As you know, I have structural abnormalities which have caused life-long
foot pain and discomfort. Nothing, including several surgical
procedures, has worked to cure the problems. I have tried all logical
remedies. The last of these attempts to find some relief was yet
another very expensive pair of "high-tech" orthotics. The "computer
analysis and design" plus the actual custom manufacturing cost came to
$1,500 which, of course, did not include the medical fees charge by the
I was about seven weeks into "breaking-in" these new orthotics when I found
your 'ready-made' orthotics at the Ft. Lauderdale Boat Show. I am as
cynically skeptical as you can get and my equally skeptical family and
friends are worse. I wasn't sure how I was going to explain how I
decided to buy orthotics at a boat show from someone I knew nothing about.
It was just my 'gut' that told me it was the right thing to do. So I
did it.
I could not have made a better decision. Not only have my feet (and
disposition) improved, but I found a terrific company of sincere and
dedicated people who are truly interested in my comfort and satisfaction.
Wm. Tom Newbery
Boca Raton, Florida

June 21, 2006
Hi Pamela,
I want to let you and Karl know that the supports have made all the
difference in the world for me! The very next day I was relieved of
the chronic hip pain I'd had since late Feb. I'd been to an orthopedic
surgeon, a chiropractor, massage therapists, physical therapists and
yoga/Pilates instructors. No one was able to alleviate the pain and
get me back on my horse. I dared you to find me a solution and you
did!! I'm thrilled. I was able to wear my trainers the very next
day, all day and did not feel the "golf ball" much at all. Now, I
hesitate to be w/out them. I keep the heavier wt. ones in my walking
shoes that I use to walk and work out in and use the "trainers" in my
everyday shoes.
Also, I have even wearing custom orthotics for years and they did not do
what yours do; my toes were always rubbing on each other. I will
retire them even though they cost me $1000!
Best regards, and THANKS so much for giving me back the comfort of pain free
walking & riding!!
Joanne Panizzera
Sebastopol, California

February 14, 2008
I want to thank you for selling me the in-soles for my
shoes. I'm so, so happy with them. My back, hips, legs, do not
hurt any more. I feel like they have taken years off me and I can go all day
long again. You are one great gal.
Thank you,
you put them in and I have not taken them out.
Stella Markee
Tillamook, Oregon

November 28, 2001
To whom it may concern:
For many, many years I have suffered with severe back
problems. Having had three surgeries, including two in the last
fourteen months, I had given up on ever getting any relief. I was in
constant pain. the, I met a woman who changed my life by introducing
me to orthotics. Initially I just could not get used to them, and I
would put them away until another time. I did this repeatedly, until
one day I made up my mind to give it an honest shot, and I am now, walking
three miles a day. My back feels better now than it has in over twenty
years. I truly believe it's a miracle.
That wonderful woman's name is Pamela Conway, and she
represents Bio-Dynamics, International. Ms. Conway is the consummate
professional in what she does, and she truly loves helping people. Her
vast knowledge can help you just like she helped me. If you have any
questions, I invite you to call or write to me anytime convenient to you.
Do you believe in miracles? I do!
P.H. (Buddy) Payne Jr.
Franklin, Tennessee

June 16, 2006
Dear Karl and Pamela,
We met briefly at the New York State Fair last Labor
Day, and you changed my life with your knowledge and your product. My
fiancée, Theresa, and I were both amazed at the simple test you (Karl)
performed... I am not a small or weak man, but my construction injury in
1999 eventually caused me excruciating pain throughout my body. Aqua
therapy, which helped me partially recover and lose 40-50 pounds a few years
ago must have done a number on my feet eventually (the running in place
flattened them), but last fall proved to be all you predicted: a time of
diminishing pain due to proper alignment of my ankles, knees and hips.
I hunted uphill and down through deep snow and weaned myself off painkillers
almost entirely by mid-winter. I still have to deal with rough starts
some days due to arthritic pain, but I'm doing so drug-free and have
progressed greatly. Now more than ever I realize how important quality
sleep is, since I now work 3PM -11:15 rather than "graveyard shift". I
have lost 10-15 pounds simply by sleeping at night as God intended.
Steve Piseck
Newport, New York

June 15, 2006
Hi Pamela,
I just wanted to let you know how much I'm continuing to enjoy my new
orthotics. Thank goodness I stopped at your booth at the Rolex.
My feet haven't felt this good probably since I was about 5 years old!
Every day when I put them on I'm amazed at how good they feel. The
pain up the side of my thigh into my lower back on my right side is all but
gone - what a relief!
Thank you, thank you, thank you!
Mary Jo Keptner
PS I'm making copies of your brochure for my sister and a friend.